Impressed by my closest friend Jonathan Justus (Jonny as I refer), had setup a blog "" and asked me to check his blog, to my surprise it was nice and the first question struck "Why Jonnynow ?" and he replies "You address me as Jonny so hence." I was dumbstruck for a while. Also I need to thank Pramodh who has been behind me to start a blog for a while now, unknown the fact that I had started a blog in 2008 and never used it untill now.
About this blog "Let's Do It Ourselves" would mainly look at day to day activities that we can do all by ourself with just a little instruction manual. For those who love to know and do things by themselves, this little blog of mine would play the instruction manual. Queries like connecting cables for your Television, Radio, Music System, and few other basic home network related. There is more to come on this regards to computers, basic networking, home/small business storage solutions and so on.
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